After a Server move clients that link images to their timesheets will need the file paths updated so that images that were linked before the server move can still be viewed.  

If the path has not been update the client will get an error message when they try and open the document - along the lines of file path cannot be found.

This SQL can be run to update.

If a client uses timesheet image linking or timesheet queries and they move server the following need to be done:
- update the details in general settings for where the new location is
- copy all the files across to the new location
- run the SQL below to update the paths for timesheets that were linked before the move so that they can still be viewed

Completed Timesheets: it doesn't like back slashes so if the server name and the folder location has changed you will need to run this as seperate lines.

update temptimesheet set ScanPathFilename = replace(ScanPathFilename, '{OLDLOCATION}', '{NEWLOCATION}') where ScanPathFilename is not null;

Provisional Timeseets: it doesn't like back slashes so if the server name and the folder location has changed you will need to run this as seperate lines.

update tempprovtimesheet set ScanPathFilename = replace(ScanPathFilename, '{OLDLOCATION}', '{NEWLOCATION}') where ScanPathFilename is not null;

Timesheet Query Log: it doesn't like back slashes so if the server name and the folder location has changed you will need to run this as seperate lines.

update TSQueryLog set FilenamePath = replace(FilenamePath, '{OLDLOCATION}', '{NEWLOCATION}') where FilenamePath is not null;

PDFExtraDocument: it doesn't like back slashes so if the server name and the folder location has changed you will need to run this as seperate lines.

update  pdfextradocument set FilenamePath = replace(FilenamePath, '{OLDLOCATION}', '{NEWLOCATION}') where FilenamePath is not null;